
FDR First Inaugural
FDR First Inaugural.mp3
FDR First Fireside Chat
FDR First Fireside Chat.mp3
FDR Grilled Millionaires
FDR Grilled Millionaires.wma
FDR Second Inaugural
FDR Second Inaugural.mp3
FDR Quarantine Speech
FDR Quarantine speech.mp3
FDR The Great Arsenal of Democracy
FDR The Arsenal of Democracy I.mp3
FDR The Arsenal of Democracy II.mp3
FDR The Four Freedoms
FDR The Four Freedoms I.mp3
FDR The Four Freedoms II.mp3
FDR Declaration of War
FDR Declaration of War.mp3
Truman The Truman Doctrine
Truman The Truman Doctrine.mp3
Truman Inaugural
Truman Inaugural I.mp3
Ike Atoms for Peace
Ike Atoms for Pease I.mp3
Ike Atoms for Peace II.mp3
Ike Farewell Address
Ike Farewell Address.mp3
JFK Civil Rights Adrdress
JFK Civil Rights Address.mp3
JFK Address to the Greater Houston Ministereial Association
JFK Address to the Greater Houston Ministereial Association.mp3
JFK Cuban Missile Crisis
JFK Cuban Crisis I.mp3
JFK Cuban Crisis II.mp3
JFK Ich bin ein Berliner speech
JFK Ich ein Berliner.mp3
Johnson Let Us Continue
Johnson Let Us Continue.mp3
Johnson Signing the Civil Rights Bill
Johnson Signing the Civil Rights Bill.mp3
Johnson The Great Society
Johnson The Great Society.mp3
Johnson On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election
Johnson On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election I.mp3
Johnson On Vietnam and Not Seeking Re-Election II.mp3
Nixon Checkers Speech
Nixon Checkers Speech I.mp3
Nixon Checkers Speech II.mp3
Nixon First Inaugural Address
Nixon First Inaugural I.mp3
Nixon First Inaugural II.mp3
Nixon Second Inaugural.pdf
Nixon Second Inaugural.mp3
Regan First Inaugural
Regan First Inaugural
George W. Bush on the Terroist Attacks
George W. Bush on the Terrorist Attacks.mp3
