
Lesson 8

Japanese art―落語、漫才、狂言



Popular form of comic monologue(独り芝居) in which a storyteller [落語家] creates an imaginary drama through episodic narration and skillful use of vocal and facial expressions to portray various characters. Typically, the storyteller uses no scenery(道具立て); the only musical accompaniment(伴奏) is the brief flourish(ファンファーレ) of drum[出囃子], shamisen, and bamboo flute[尺八] that marks his entrance and exit. The storyteller, dressed in a plain kimono, crosses to stage center and seats himself on a cushion before his audience [高座], with a hand towel and a fan as his only props [小道具]. There he remains until he has delivered his final line, usually a punning(語呂合わせ) punch(効果) line [オチ]. This is the characteristic ending from which the term rakugo was coined(作り出す), the word being written with two Chinese characters meaning “drop” [] and “word”[].

In a rakugo performance the interplay(相互作用) between performer and audience is extremely important. Since the repertory of classic rakugo is small, aficionados(愛好家) have heard the basic story many times. They delight in the storyteller's particular version, his arrangement of familiar episodes, and appreciate his timing and the verisimilitude(迫真性) of the details he adds, such as the sound of sake as he pours it into his imaginary cup. The introduction to the story proper(厳密な意味での) must be completely original. The plots of the stories are never as important as the characterizations in them, for rakugo pokes(風刺する) fun at all manner(種類) of human foibles(弱み).  

By the early 1670s professional performers [噺家] had emerged. Tsuyu no Gorobei [露の五郎兵衛] from Kyoto and Yonezawa Hikohachi [米沢彦八] from Osaka are regarded as the forefathers of rakugo in the Kyoto-Osaka area [上方], while Shikano Buzaemon [鹿野武左衛門] is credited(栄誉を) with(与える) founding the Edo rakugo tradition, later perfected San'yutei Encho [三遊亭圓朝].

A regular entertainment feature at roadside shows, private banquets(宴会), and makeshift(当座しのぎの) stages set up at restaurants during off()-hours(散時), this vagabond(放浪人) art found a home in 1791 when the first permanent Japanese-style vaudeville(様々な演芸) theater [寄席] was opened in Edo. Soon afterward the popularity of yose spread to Kyoto and Osaka.

After surviving the challenge of cinema in the 1920s and 1930s, which significantly reduced yose attendance, rakugo performers met with increasing official censorship(検閲) during World War II because they did not adapt their material to support national ideology.  

With the resumption(再開) of civilian broadcasting at the end of World War II, rakugo recovered its popularity. Although the proliferation(急増) of new entertainment media has greatly reduced the number of yose, the adaptability(順応性) of rakugo to both radio and television has ensured its survival. There are still four traditional yose in Tokyo, along with rakugo halls, larger and more expensive, where all rakugo programs are presented for devotees(愛好家), often on a monthly basis. Many universities also sponsor rakugo clubs whose members study and perform rakugo for their own entertainment.



Manzai is the performing art in which a comic dialogue is carried on by two comedians. Said to have had its beginnings in the Nara period, manzai spread throughout Japan in the Edo period. Toward() the end of the Edo period, manzai was performed in makeshift theaters, and by the first decade of the 20th century its popularity, especially in Osaka, increased rapidly. After World War II, passing from the age of radio to that of television, manzai has continued to flourish. Today the repartee of manzai performers, the wit [ツッコミ] and the straight man [ボケ], is distinguished by its fast pace, its use of current events, and its swift(迅速な) shifts from topic to topic.    



Ky?gen is the oldest indigenous(土着の) form of Japanese classical theater and as such has exerted a strong influence on all subsequent(後に続く) styles of theater in Japan. The entire art finds its roots in the Sanbas? [三番叟] dance that is a major part of the No play [] Okina []. In each of its 257 independent comic plays, Ky?gen celebrates the same vigorous life force that is expressed in ceremonial form in this Sanbas? dance. And while the characters that appear feudal(封建) lords(領主), servants, farmers, priests, and merchants who lived in Japan more than six hundred years ago, the situations in which they are presented and the manner in which they react to each other are no different from our lives today, they try outwit(出し抜く) each other, they quarrel and make(仲直り) up(する), and their lives seem to go on in a general atmosphere of optimistic good humor. Thus it is also the most universally relevant(関係がある) of Japan’s traditional theater forms.

Ky?gen staging is simple in the extreme. The average number of characters is only two or three. There are no sets or special lighting. Masks are seldom used, and there is no makeup. The costumes are in subdued(控え目な) colors and only serve to indicate the social position of the character. Also, very few properties(小道具) are used; most things are mimed(演じる) using only a single folding fan [扇子], which every character carries tucked(差し) into(込む) his sash() on the left side when not in use. Even facial expression is kept to a minimum, so that dramatic expression is achieved almost exclusively through the stylized vocal and physical forms and the spatial(空間的な) relationships among the performers on the stage. Thus the entire art of Ky?gen is completely dependent for its dramatic effect upon the concentration(集中力) and skill of the actor.


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Japanese art―歌舞伎と能
